It’s been a while…

in fact, a great long while. I know I have said that I want to be consistent with content and I have fallen far short of that statement. Times have changed. I am feeling overwhelmed with the current state of the United States. I need someplace to channel my thoughts, my anxiety, my anger without it being on display in my social media accounts. I really don’t think anyone I know is aware of my blog. It feels safe. I need a place to grieve the realization that people I had always considered to be kind and decent people are not. They are empowered to show their true colors. They rejoice in the suffering of people – they are the antithesis of all they proclaim to be – Christian. I have learned that I can process emotions and my fear much better if I write things down. Hence, I am turning to this blog. I will write more, if nothing else, to help me process a difficult day; share what’s on my mind without getting a barrage of unwanted comments and feedback. I will post a photo as often as I can because it brings me much joy in capturing the little moments of my life. So there will be photos of cats and other little moments in my life – unfortunately, my life doesn’t contain many moments of pineapples but I will see what I can do about that!

Today is Saturday. I am contemplating letting our housecleaning service go. Not because I don’t appreciate what they do, but because I want to control costs. I do have concerns about the economy going to hell in a hand basket and thus our monies to see us through the rest of lives. I am grateful to have a financial advisor who is more than competent so I don’t think we’ll lose everything but we will have to tighten up our belts. I was thinking about what I could give up. We spend $458 a month on the cleaning service. It’s not like we can’t divide and conquer said cleaning activities – we’re just lazy. So I have been cruising the internet looking for house cleaning plans – nothing I like better than a spreadsheet! It’s doable – I think I will pitch the idea to Charles to see if he’s up for a little divide and conquer the housecleaning activities.

Laundry is folded. Six of the twelve thank you’s for Animal Aid donors in January are written. And not a fat lot of anything else has been accomplished other than working on my post. I have this glaring to-do that has been staring at me every single time I meandered down the hall – my bi-annual clothing swap out. I mean I have had the clothes on the bed in the front bedroom since October and it’s now February – if I wait another couple of weeks, it’ll be a moot point – I will just have to repack the cold weather clothes. But I am determined to get it done – I will feel so much better – a room will be picked up and the closet will be put back in order. For all my whining, I do love it when I check off a task on my spreadsheet.

One last little thing… I just tried to use the AI Assistant to help on a title for this meander and with the choices offered, I think I’ll stick with my own. The “Improved Titles” were quite stiff and so not like my normal train of thought… for instance: Channeling My Emotions through Blogging (that will bring them in droves!). I can hardly wait to the “Generate Feedback” to get feedback on the content structure! It’s just like an English teacher’s review of my work in high school! More structure; be more concise – so not the stream of consciousness that is my life!

I should end this entry with a cat photo because well, this is Cats and Pineapples. This is my sweet little Poppy although her expression doesn’t give off sweet vibes. She just has a strong resting bitch face. She imitates almost everything Dave does. Dave is our major sink drinker and Poppy diligently studies his every move. She is contemplating a drink but in all likelihood will merely stare at the water and then turn her back to it all. I suppose I could save a few pennies and turn off the water faster than to waste it while she stares into oblivion.

Take care and keep your sanity. We will need it in the coming days as this madness mounts around us.

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