My Atomic Habit #1

My intent of this blog has always been that I utilize this space as a daily exercise in writing and photography. Obviously, the daily part of the exercise has not been a “habit” of any sort. As a birthday gift to myself, I bought the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, hoping that I could be inspired to write something every day. I am now retired so it’s time to tap into my creative side. Surely, there is a creative side of me! So many habits to cultivate: daily exercise; swimming; walking; writing; yoga; photography; baking; mah jongg; letter writing… I could go on and on. But I am going to start small – do something attainable but do it consistently. Last year my word of the year of “consistent” and it actually helped me to set my sights on a daily stationary recumbent bike ride every morning for a year. Something I was able to do for the days I was actually home. Quite proud of that one, I am. In fact, I am still riding my recumbent bike five days out of seven this year. Now to add a daily journaling exercise. Oh, and I need to come up with my word of the year for 2023. I give myself the month of January to relax and indulge. I don’t have many more days to do that. In fact, I have only three days left. Plenty of time of settle on a word of the year to guide me.
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